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Here we go with Part 2! Quick disclaimer, this is in no way a foolproof plan to get into PA school. This is just what worked for me so please keep that in mind. Also I am a myPAbox associate and I receive a small commission when you use my promo code. (Click HERE if…

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Suture Kit This practice suture kit set is lightweight and includes everything you’ll need! Stethoscope I love my Littmann. This is the color I have 😊 Stethoscope Charm Me being who I am, I had to be extra lol. I wanted my baby to sparkle. Pen Light This right here is SIGNIFICANTLY…

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Hey lovely people! I’m so excited, because this marks the first of my Pre-PA to PA-S series! Quick disclaimer, this is in no way a foolproof plan to get into PA school. This is just what worked for me so please keep that in mind. Alright, let’s get to business. How Do I Get Started?…

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