I got rejected from my first school today, and you know what. I’m okay. I’m not happy about it, but I’m not freaking out. It’s a weird feeling. This is my first time applying to PA school, and I did apply to 19 schools. Correction: if you follow me on insta (if you’re not, you can scroll down and see a few gems I have up. You might as well follow while you’re here) I did say I applied to 16 schools, buttttt I changed my mind and added 3 more lol. So yes 19 schools. I’m lowkey sad since this school’s tuition was the least expensive from my list. However, the more I think about it, the school is in upstate NY andddd I’m not a huge fan of the cold. Plus, let’s be honest, more than likely I would be the only black student in my class; the pictures from the school’s website weren’t very promising. That wasn’t a huge deal breaker since I went to a PWI, but I do want a change of pace. I would prefer to be around individuals that share the same aspirations as me and understand where I come from.
For those of you that just got your first rejection, here’s some advice.
Shake it off: Their admission’s committee is clearly daft and you’re better off. There are many reasons you may have gotten this rejection, but the fact of the matter is this doesn’t mean you aren’t qualified.
Stop stressing: If you are anything like me, you applied to a list of schools. So RELAX. This PA application process is competitive, you knew that. So rejection is bound to come, however this doesn’t mean that you won’t get in somewhere else.
Be prepared for what’s to come: Even though this was a rejection, take this as a sign of movement. I know many of my friends that have applied and haven’t heard anything for a solid year. Imagine. A whole year of nothing. I’d rather know where I stand so that I can prepare for the next cycle, and improve my application. You may have a rejection today, but an interview invitation tomorrow!
God has a plan, idk what it is, but it’s in place nonetheless. So we’ll see. I am not going to let this one rejection distract me from my future acceptances OKAY. This is to say, keep your head up. The God I serve is the same one that got me into nursing school 1.5 years after the director of the program told me to my face that I wasn’t qualified! SO, idk about you, but I’m gonna keep fighting. Don’t worry, I’ll tell you that story a little later.